Important Planning Matters
Local Development Plan 2021 - 25
Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2021 / Publication of the Proposed Local Development Plan 2020
"Aberdeenshire Council has reached a key milestone in the preparation of a new Local Development Plan for the area. The Proposed Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2020 will be formally published on the internet on 25 May 2020 for a consultation period of 8 weeks, ending on 17 July 2020. During this period written representations on the Proposed Local Development Plan can be accepted. A copy of the Proposed Local Development Plan can be
viewed at:"
Are far as we can gather, there is no change to what was reported at the Main Issues stage. Proposed devlopments at Upper Balfour and Kincluny were not progressed. One smaller development at both Drumoak and Durris was approved.
"Aberdeenshire Council are now inviting views on the content of the Proposed Local Development Plan. A response form has been prepared, which can be downloaded from the Council’s website or by requesting a copy from the Policy Team. This form should be used to make your representation to the
Proposed Local Development Plan. It is important that you clearly identify the issue that your comment concerns and for you to explicitly state the modification(s) that you would wish to see to the Plan. If you wish to raise a number of issues, it is helpful if each issue/comment is provided on a separate form. Additional forms can be obtained via the Council’s website or by contacting us directly. Completed responses can be emailed to:- [email protected] or posted to:-
Planning Policy Team, Infrastructure Services, Aberdeenshire Council, Woodhill House,
Westburn Road, Aberdeen, AB16 5GB."
"Aberdeenshire Council has reached a key milestone in the preparation of a new Local Development Plan for the area. The Proposed Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2020 will be formally published on the internet on 25 May 2020 for a consultation period of 8 weeks, ending on 17 July 2020. During this period written representations on the Proposed Local Development Plan can be accepted. A copy of the Proposed Local Development Plan can be
viewed at:"
Are far as we can gather, there is no change to what was reported at the Main Issues stage. Proposed devlopments at Upper Balfour and Kincluny were not progressed. One smaller development at both Drumoak and Durris was approved.
"Aberdeenshire Council are now inviting views on the content of the Proposed Local Development Plan. A response form has been prepared, which can be downloaded from the Council’s website or by requesting a copy from the Policy Team. This form should be used to make your representation to the
Proposed Local Development Plan. It is important that you clearly identify the issue that your comment concerns and for you to explicitly state the modification(s) that you would wish to see to the Plan. If you wish to raise a number of issues, it is helpful if each issue/comment is provided on a separate form. Additional forms can be obtained via the Council’s website or by contacting us directly. Completed responses can be emailed to:- [email protected] or posted to:-
Planning Policy Team, Infrastructure Services, Aberdeenshire Council, Woodhill House,
Westburn Road, Aberdeen, AB16 5GB."
Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan - 2021-25
Aberdeenshire's Strategic Plan
Aberdeenshire's strategic planning authority's strategic plan covers the high level plan agreed with the Scottish Government. It can be found here
The key aspects are that the Dee valley is not considered a key development zone and industrial development and associated housing will be discouraged. On the other hand tourism and local initiatives will be encouraged to ensure the vitality of our communities.
Aberdeenshire's strategic planning authority's strategic plan covers the high level plan agreed with the Scottish Government. It can be found here
The key aspects are that the Dee valley is not considered a key development zone and industrial development and associated housing will be discouraged. On the other hand tourism and local initiatives will be encouraged to ensure the vitality of our communities.